LEGO children's clothing is made under license by Kabooki and marketed under the brand name 'LEGOwear'. In our children's clothing category you will sometimes find other clothing from the LEGO brand in addition to LEGOwear. LEGOwear guarantees very good quality clothing. The clothing is colourfast and is produced in a responsible manner. LEGOwear uses nickel-free buttons and high-quality zippers.
Service was excellant and the ordering so easy . Plus delivery so fast , a Brillant company
From: Bronagh Moore
I got this order earlier than I expected, it was a preorder and I was told it would arrive Thursday (today), yet I got it Tuesday, that’s two days EARLY. Awesome!
From: Justen Douma
Reasonably quick delivery. If ordering from UK only large orders make sense. As almost £35 delivery and handling very quickly reduce savings that can be made.
From: Jourii Patoulyak
Excellent service. Great prices. Fast delivery and best packaging.
Will buy again from you.
Det er en rigtig god side, den kan jeg kun anbefale..
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