LEGO children's clothing is made under license by Kabooki and marketed under the brand name 'LEGOwear'. In our children's clothing category you will sometimes find other clothing from the LEGO brand in addition to LEGOwear. LEGOwear guarantees very good quality clothing. The clothing is colourfast and is produced in a responsible manner. LEGOwear uses nickel-free buttons and high-quality zippers.
Dont understand why 71741 was full protected and the 10255 dont, but in the end another great delivery from Brickshop.
From: Ricardo Gonçalo Albino Ramires
Commande facile à suivre et relativement rapide, bien !
Le site n'est malheureusement pas traduit complètement :D
From: Mathieu BODIN
Helppoa ja nopeaa! En olisi uskonut, että tilaus tulee ulkomailta näin nopeasti kotini viereen. Ja koko ajan sähköposti piti minut ajantasalla
From: Sari Laine
Everything worked perfectly well. I'll order again. Thank you to
From: Silke Schießl
Excellent tracking and delivery. Arrived in Spain exactly when expected. I paid extra for speedy delivery and it still worked out cheaper than anywhere else.