In a galaxy far, far away is a world of adventure where the battle between good and evil erupts as Star Wars fans join Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, The Mandalorian, Grogu and many more to recreate favorite scenes from the series . Harness the Power and build epic ships and vehicles, awesome droids and familiar characters. With the characteristic LEGO Star Wars sets, small and big fans can build their own galaxy full of exciting adventures - only the imagination sets the limits.
No problem at all, except that shipping to Canary Islands takes 3 weeks. But that is true for everything. The tracking of the package with Post NL did never work.
From: Jacob Clasen
Fantastic speedy service. Ordered my Lego product from ireland and it was delivered within 2 days which is amazing especially as it was over the Christmas period. Best pricing too. Couldn’t ask for more.
From: Paul O'Connor
Extremely fast shipping! I really was very surprised to get my parcel that fast.
From: Simon Rathmann
The local pickup point had a certain problem with the package but all is ok in the end
From: Martin DESCHAMPS
El servicio ha sido rápido e impecable, pese al coste de envío, un poco alto para un paquete tan pequeño.